April 27, 2019

Fiji stands ready to support the USA – Ratu Epeli

Fiji stands ready to provide support where we can within our means of course, whether it be through UN peace-keeping, combating illicit trade on the high seas, or providing humanitarian assistance to our neighbours in the Pacific. This […]
April 12, 2019

World leaders meet at 140th IPU Assembly

Parliamentarians, UN partners and experts from around the world met in Doha, Qatar, for the 140th Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) Assembly from 6 to 10 April, 2019. […]
April 1, 2019

Special Olympics athletes welcomed in Parliament

The 35-member Fiji Special Olympics contingent to the recent 2019 World Games held in Abu Dhabi received a warm reception in Parliament this morning. Speaker Hon. […]

Parliament Office will close on the following days, for the non-essential functional units –

(a) Friday, 27 December 2024;

(b) Monday, 30 December 2024; and

(c) Tuesday, 31 December 2024.

The non-essential functional units that will be closed on those days are the Tables, Hansard, Research and Library Services, Committees, Inter-Parliamentary Relations and Protocol, Monitoring and Evaluation, and Civic Education and Media.

The essential functional units that will remain operational with the necessary/appropriate staffing arrangements are the ITC, HR, Accounts, Assets and Transport.

We humbly apologise for any inconvenience that may be caused.