2024 Fiji Women’s Mock Parliament

Call for Nominations
2024 Fiji Women’s Mock Parliament
THEME: Women’s Leadership and Political Representation
The Parliament of the Republic of Fiji invites nominations from the general public, political parties, non-governmental organisations, religious organisations, business communities, community based organisations and unions to nominate women leaders and role models from different walks of life to be part of the 2024 Fiji Women’s Mock Parliament to be held in Suva from 29 – 31 July 2024.
Individuals are eligible to submit an application, nominating themselves to be part of the Fiji Women’s Parliament. Please see application details below.
Application Deadline: Application closes at 5.00pm on Friday 21 June 2024.
The event is organised with support from the United Nations Development Programme (‘UNDP’).
In Parliaments around the world, the number of women Members of Parliament (MPs) is growing at a slower pace. Only 26.5 percent of parliamentarians in single or lower houses are women as per 1 January 2023. In 1995, there were 15.5 percent women parliamentarians, an increase of 11 per cent in 28 years. Whilst this can be interpreted as a positive development in the image of gender inequality, women are still vastly under-represented globally. Women are half the population, yet they hold less than one-fourth of positions in national governments. They are still significantly outnumbered in the chambers of parliaments, in provincial councils, and they are often missing from negotiating tables where conflicts are to be resolved. All too often, important decisions that affect women, their families and their societies are made without their voice being heard.
The idea of a Mock or Practice Parliament for women in the Fijian Parliament draws on the very positive experiences of the piloted 2016 Women in Parliament which was a success. This is a timely call for empowering potential women candidates for future general elections to participate in this mock Parliament. The lack of political will to empower women beyond statements of policy and legislation remains an issue in the Pacific. The holding of a Mock or Practice Parliament has been shown to provide a practical forum to expose participants to the realities of policy-making and parliamentary engagement. The activity empowers women to be confident to stand for elections and the confidence to enter Parliament.
The key objectives of the Mock Women’s Parliament are –
- To make women’s leadership visible at national governance level;
- To empower women’s participation in parliamentary democracy;
- To empower women to participate in Fiji’s electoral process;
- To debate matters related to women and girls of local, national and international concern; and
- To connect community women leaders with elected women MPs.
Who is eligible to apply:
The activity is primarily directed at:
- Women who wishes to experience parliamentary debate;
- Women community leaders who wish to develop their leadership, advocacy, and policy skills;
- Women who are part of NGOs that have commitment to supporting women/gender equality, in particular in partnership with national/ local government bodies;
- Candidates may be nominated by either a member of general public, political parties, non-governmental organisations, religious organisations, business communities, community based organisations, unions. Candidates can also nominate themselves to be part of the Women’s Parliament.
Application procedure and selection of the 2024 Fiji Women’s Parliament applicants:
Selection of the 55 Women Members of Parliament will be made by the Women Parliament Steering Committee made up of representatives from Office of the Secretary-General of the Parliament of Republic of Fiji in consultation with the Office of the Honourable Speaker and the Ministry of Women, Children and Social Protection.
How to Apply:
- Nomination forms are available below and on the Parliament Facebook Page – facebook.com/fijiparliament
- Submit your application by mail to:
2024 Fiji Women’s Parliament
Parliament of the Republic of Fiji
PO Box 2352, Government Buildings
Suva, Fiji.
- Or email address: info@parliament.gov.fj with the email subject heading as “2024 Fiji Women’s Parliament”.
Annex 2: Nomination Form
Individuals are eligible to submit an application, nominating themselves to be part of the Fiji Women’s Parliament. If a person is nominating themselves, fill out only Sections 1 & 2.
Download Annex 2 – Nomination Form
- All nominations and supporting documents can be sent to Parliament in the following ways:
By Mail:
2024 Fiji Women’s Parliament
Parliament of the Republic of Fiji
PO Box 2352, Government Buildings
Suva, Fiji.
By Email to email address: info@parliament.gov.fj with the email subject heading as “2024 Fiji Women’s Parliament”
For more information, please contact: bale.dolokoto@parliament.gov.fj/ bale.dolokoto@legislature.gov.fj ; Phone: 3305811; Mob: 9908957