August 2, 2017

Penang students encouraged by the Speaker

Penang Sangam High School’s headgirl Priyashna Singh was encouraged to see and hear from the first woman Speaker present at her school this morning, Wednesday 27th […]
August 2, 2017

Speaker, A first for Ba Provincial Council

The delegates for the Ba Provincial Council Meeting were grateful that the Speaker, Hon. Dr Jiko Luveni accepted their invitation to be their chief guest for […]
August 2, 2017

Submissions on Bill No. 37 of 2017

The Standing Committee on Justice, Law and Human Rights (‘Committee’) has been tasked with scrutinizing and making necessary amendments to the International Arbitration Bill, 2017 (Bill […]
August 2, 2017

Cyclone victims all smiles after visiting Parliament

Senior students of Ra High School in the Western Division now have a better understanding about the Parliament of Fiji following their educational visit to the […]